segunda-feira, 06 de janeiro, 2014

Biscuit manufacturers design 7% expansion

Cookies and pasta industries design for 2014 revenue expansion in the range of 3% to 7%, compared to last year. The volumes to be produced tend to draw level with last year, in the case of the masses. For cookies, there may be an increase of 3%.
The manufacturers ' strategy is to continue betting on the sale of higher value-added products, which would increase or recover profit margins, pressed in 2013 by more expensive inputs.
The Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Pasta and bread and Industrialized Cake (Abima) projected that sales of pasta grow between 3% and 4% in 2014--more than the 2% to 3% estimated for 2013. The consolidated data will come in the next few months, but, if confirmed, the pace of growth of the mass industry in 2013 will be below the projection made earlier this year, to 3.5%. And the advancement will be similar to that of 2012, while turnover rose by 2%, to $ 6.22 billion, and the volume shrank by 0.4% compared to 2011.
The industry's estimate of biscuits is that your billing, r $ 7 billion in 2012, has grown between 8% and 10% last year. In may, the estimate of the National biscuit Industries Association (Anib) was that it would be possible to grow 10%. But the forecast for 2014 is an expansion of 7% in value. Already the volumes can grow 3% in 2013.
The volume of cookies produced last year must have tied with of 2012, when the sector manufactured 1.25 million tonne, according to Anib.
Biscuit manufacturers have identified that the consumer is looking for a mix of products more "rich" and changing the simple product by those more elaborate, such as stuffed or functional, more expensive.
In 2014, according to Claudio Zanão, President of Abima, predicting that the turnover of industrialized breads grow 10%. For cakes ready, the projection is from a high of 13% because "the market is still not consolidated as the pastas and breads". Since the pasta is present in 99.6% of homes in the country, according to the Executive.
"The highlight of the year [2013] was the consolidation of migration trend of consumption for products with higher added value, a result of the increase in the purchasing power of the consumer," says Alexandre Colombo, President of Anib. "Also I assign performance of the sector in 2013 for diversification of products offered," he said, who also noted greater demand for products, "with more appeals to health and welfare".
The companies then broadened the range of functional integrals and natural products. The sector also, according to the Executive, offered new packages and formats. The model of shops "atacarejo" opened space for family-size packages.
Already Zanão, President of Abima says the mass industry aims to stimulate consumption variation, since 57% of sales of dry pasta in the country are spaghetti, while others are produced 50 different formats of noodles in Brazil.
As for the bread, the industrialised scenario is more favorable, says Zanão. "Companies are betting on diversification of flavors, types and quantities of grains to give healthier options, as well as in different packages to meet the diverse preferences. The industrialized cake, in turn, also bet on diversification of tastes and monoporções [individual servings], a trend that is on the rise. "
The sectors of pasta and cookies had a complicated 2013 compared to the increased costs. The breaking of wheat harvests in Brazil and Argentina reduced the supply of this raw material and impacted the food chain. And the high-dollar ante the actual affected the prices of raw materials: milk to plastic and aluminum for packaging, everything was more expensive this year.
The manufacturers that failed to pass on the costs to consumers, lost margin. Inflation in jail was widespread. Zanão, the Abima, says that the pasta industry had "some pass-through of price, which reached 20 percent" due to the high wheat (see chart above).
According to Colombo, the Association of cookies, the increase in the price of wheat flour was more than 50% in a year and a half, and the average price readjustment in 2013 was 10%. In addition to wheat, Anib informs that the increased costs with the transfer price stimulated fats. The cookies are present in 99% of homes, according to the Association.
Inflation measured by the IPCA, the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE), shows that in the 12 months to November to wheat flour rose 32.56%. The bun was 14.76% more expensive, in the same period.
Valor Econômico - 03/01/2014
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