segunda-feira, 04 de março, 2013

Learn how to manage a project from start to finish packing

Once created the packaging design, begins the critical phase of the whole project, that is;: "transforming the idea and the concepts into reality", how to make what was originally intended to reach the gondolas winning every stage of a project without sobresaltos or unpleasant surprêsas?
This course presents simple and didactic step-by-step methodology for impantar a project of packaging managing correctly their steps and applying technical concepts used by the professionals of the big companies of the market.
Project management of Packaging complements the program taught in the course Design packaging Innovation & and your goal is to take participants to the most current concepts of project management package that can be applied in their day to day and in the companies in which they work, whether design agencies, companies in the sector of packaging or consumer product companies.
Professional design, packaging industry and companies that use packages, students and teachers who want to learning methodologies of design and packaging innovation will benefit from extremely useful content of this course.
The course is taught by professor Appeared Borghi
Get to know the course, click on the link below:
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