sexta-feira, 01 de novembro, 2013

Heinz enters the Brazilian market for baby foods for children

After releasing in Brazil derived from tomatoes with local manufacturing, including ketchup, its flagship, Heinz will offer, in the domestic market, baby food for children. Will be put up for sale versions wrapped in glass pots, traditional presentation in the Brazilian market, and in stand-up pouches (plastic bags that remain standing) with peas and plastic cover.
On its website, Heinz enumerates eight flavors available in glass container and three in pouch. Both packages contain 113 grams of product. According to extraoficiais, the baby foods are imported from Mexico already potted. Sought through its press office, Heinz chose not to comment on the release. For now, the company says its novelty is focused on "the babies of the new generation," explained positioning for a promotional video released on the internet.
The supply of baby food in plastic flexible packaging is an international trend, observed mainly in the United States. As with the glass jars, pouches are subjected to thermal sterilization process after the bottling process. This allows the distribution of the products under room temperature, without the need for cooling, and the decrease (or even exemption) of the use of preservatives in foods. As in most foreign brands, the pouches of Heinz have large diameter CAP to prevent accidental intake by children.
Rumors circulate that other companies plan to compete in the Brazilian market of baby foods through differentiated packaging proposals. The deal, in the country, is dominated by Nestle, which prioritizes the use of glass jars in your operation. Heinz's debut in the new deal occurs after the final installation of the company in Brazil, starting in 2011 with the acquisition of Want food (Coniexpress). Last February, the worldwide operation Heinz was acquired, for 28 billion dollars, by 3 g Capital investment funds (the Brazilian Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Carlos Alberto Sicupira, owners of Ambev) and Berkshire Hathaway, the American Tycoon Warren Buffett.
Embalagem Marca - 31/10/2013
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