quinta-feira, 10 de outubro, 2013

Heineken launches Kaiser with lemon

The Dutch brewery Heineken, owner of labels also Kaiser and Bavaria, began producing "Kaiser Radler" in Brazil, a drink composed of 40% of beer, 60% of lemon juice and 2% alcohol.
The launch is one of the stakes of the company to boost its sales in the country, where the volumes marketed retreated "a middle digit" in the first half, mainly due to weaker performance of the intermediate price marks (Bavaria and Kaiser).
About 8% of the market, Heineken is among the four largest brewers of Brazil, well away from leader Ambev, which has nearly 70%.
With price range positioned between traditional and Heineken Kaiser, Kaiser Radler can already be found on the shelves of supermarkets and bars, but the official marketing campaign should only go on the air in January. The agency hired was the Talent.
The formula "radler" began being peddled by Heineken in Europe from 2007. Traditional regional Bayern (Bavaria) (Germany), the recipe must be taken by Heineken to 44 countries by the end of next year.
According to Mariana Stanisci, Director of "mainstream" brands of Heineken, "radler" represents approximately 10% of the volume of beer sold in the countries where the formula is already present.
For now, the Kaiser Radler will be produced in the Araraquara (SP), one of the seven factories of Heineken in Brazil. Until the end of the first half, the brewery must define when other factories will also be produced.
Popular in Mexico, the mixture of lemon with beer is not exactly a novelty in Brazil. In 2006, Ambev launched a product similar to Kaiser Radler, Skol Lemon, but the drink's not had enough acceptance to fixate on the portfolio of the company so far.
Yesterday, Mariana said Kaiser will be a permanent product Radler in Heineken's portfolio in Brazil.
From January to September, the total output of beer in Brazil fell 2%, as compared to the same period in 2012, according to data from the control System for the production of beverages (Sicobe), the internal revenue service.
Only last month, the fall was 3.9%, compared to the previous year. In the third quarter, the volumes manufactured present 2.4% retraction.
Valor Econômico - 10/10/2013
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