terça-feira, 22 de outubro, 2013

Bioleve launches functional line with water with collagen and coconut water

The Bioleve, Flasa group company, headquartered in Lindóia, São Paulo and runner-up in the rankings of bottling of mineral water, diversifying its product line.
In addition to the waters with and without gas, has the line of teas (mate and Greens), juices, isotonic drinks, energy drinks and sodas with zero calorie, just enter the functional line with Collagen Bioleve. As well as all products Bioleve, Bioleve collagen is produced with mineral water, contains fibers, vitamins B3, B6, B12, C and e, collagen is known for their aesthetic properties, since it contributes to the elasticity and skin rejuvenation. Presented in 360 ml bottles, the optimum amount for daily, consumed bottle is manufactured by Bioleve. Available in the flavors mixed berries and lemon-lime.
Coconut water
The Bioleve also released the only 100% coconut water fresh from the market. Unlike others who use coconut pulp, coconut water Coconut Bioleve Our, is bottled in natura, in Fortaleza, Ceará. The flavor is identical to that of the water it consumes on the beaches and parks. In packs of 200 and 330 ml Tetra Pak.
Guia da Embalagem - 22/10/2013
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