terça-feira, 15 de outubro, 2013

Bag in box of grape juice turns into toy

Still got shy presence in supermarkets, packaging bag in box (BIB) is more popular in restaurants and bars, to serve in doses. With a proposed an industry pioneer, YUP Design in partnership with the Famiglia Winery Zanlorenzi, developed the new packaging of the Campo Largo, grape juice in different format for bag in box of 3 liters and aimed at children.
The proposal is direct packing children, enchanting junior consumers and ensuring the quality of the product for parents – with all available information on the packaging. To this end, the establishment focused on the infant universe and developed a fun, colorful packaging and that if transformed into a toy.
To cater to adults, packing presents some novelties, such as inserting information about elements that contribute to the physical and mental development of children and the explanation regarding hygiene and safety box. "We ran away from the traditional format of the BIB on the market. Is a differentiated model, with lateral picots when seconded complement the character of the front of the box, which turns a doll with open arms. At the rear, a history contextualizes the collectible toy, "says Fabiana Zimmermann, Creative Director of YUP Design.
To the Wine Group's marketing manager, Rockerg Gioceli Zanlorenzi Famiglia, the goal of BIB Kids is to offer more convenience for adults and more fun for the kids. "We're pioneers in the creation of an exclusive packaging for children in full grape juices. We're ahead always, that's our goal, to be attuned to the market and consumer needs so we can surprise them, "says Gioceli.
The starting point for action was the need to strengthen the product positioning. "This action represents a great impact on the image of the brand and will have irreversible effects", believes Fabiana.
The boxes are produced by Box Print. The bags are supplied by Scholle.
Embalagem Marca - 14/10/2013
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