sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro, 2013

Northeast prevents thinning increased industry

Industrial production rose in eight of 14 sites surveyed by the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE) from October to November 2012. The main highlight was the northeastern region, which had growth of 4.2% in the period, according to data from the Monthly Industrial Survey — Regional physical Production, released yesterday by the Institute.
High in States such as Bahia (3.5%), Santa Catarina (3%), Amazonas (2.9%), Ceará (2.2%), Rio de Janeiro (2.1%), Pernambuco (1.3%) and Rio Grande do Sul (0.4%).
For Rafael Leon, Austing consultant Rating, good performance in the Northeast is the industry of oil refining and ethanol production.
As the economist Felipe Leroi, Ibmec, notes that the result in the region is also pulled by large auto makers, who have spent the last four years to keep production plants in the region, because of government tax incentives and cheap labor.
However, the growth in those States was not enough to generate a positive result in the domestic industry, which had dropped 0.6% in October to November. This is because major States like São Paulo and Minas Gerais showed reduction in industrial production of 1.9% and 0.7%, respectively.
"The performance of economic activity was far short of the expected in 2012, influencing the recovery of industrial activity in the other regions of the country," says Rafael León, the Austing.
Evaluating the national data, four more Member States helped pull down the industry performance: Goiás ( -14.7%), Espírito Santo ( -6.3%), Pará ( -6.0%) and Paraná ( -5.1%). Already in November of 2012 compared with the same period of the previous year, nine sites had fall in industrial production, with emphasis on the Paraná ( -13.4%), Goiás ( -10.1%) and the Holy Spirit ( -8.4%).
In 2012 and accumulated 12 months earlier, the result was the same: nine sites registered a fall in industrial production.
Despite a national nothing satisfactory result, the Economist bet in good winds in 2013, with the industry growing at heights of 3% to 5%.
The bet is also made by Felipe Leroi, who believes in a positive outcome-based national Northeast industry. "Are the companies of Northeast responsible to pull a result of 3% of the national industry this year", concludes.
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