terça-feira, 07 de fevereiro, 2017

Carnival R$ 5.8 billion should move in the country

Tourist activities linked to the Carnival should jog this year about $5.8 billion, according to a survey published today (6) by the National Confederation of trade in goods, services and tourism (CNC).
The survey shows that food service in bars and restaurants will respond by 57.3% of revenue, equivalent to $3.31 billion.
Despite the anticipation, the volume of resources moved in the Carnival this year should be 5.7% less than for the same period last year and the worst performance of tourist activities for that period of the last three years.
Road transport must move by R$ 977,900,000 and accommodation services in hotels and guesthouses, R$ 652,500,000.
With the bars and restaurants, services may account for more than 85% of all revenue generated in the Carnival period, considered the biggest holiday of the national calendar.
According to the CNC, if discounted inflation, the actual drop will be the largest turnover in the last five years, of 8.6%.
"Despite the recent trend of a lower variation of the typical services prices this time of year, the real income downturn has imposed the need for frequent adjustments in the budget of families, through the postponement of non-essential spending, such as leisure," said economist Fabio Bente, the CNC.
Rio de Janeiro is the State that can have greater resources, drive forward movement of R$ 2.4 billion, followed by São Paulo, with 1.5 billion R$ and, together, should concentrate 68.2% of industry revenues in the period. Highlight the drives in Minas Gerais (R$ 332,700,000) and in three States of the Nordeste, Bahia (308.7 million R$), Ceará (R$ 140,300,000) and Pernambuco (R$ 131.4 million).
According to Bente, the possible fall in tourism revenues in 2017 not Carnival is due to the acceleration of the typical prices of goods and services, with more demand at this time of year.
The data indicate that, in the last 12 months, the average variation of prices was of 5.8 percent, the lowest since the 5.5% of 2009 and lower than the 13.2% from last year.
Tourist activities that make up the tourism revenues in 2017 Carnival are accommodation, food, tourism, sport and leisure, travel agencies, road transport, air transport, transportation and leasing of vehicles.
Exame - 06/02/2017
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