sexta-feira, 10 de junho, 2016

Prescription study change beverage supervision

Brasília-after operation Sphinx, the Federal Police, who arrested last week three suspected of fraud, the IRS is preparing changes in the system of supervision of the production of cold drinks, such as beer, soft drinks and mineral waters.
The system, known by the acronym Sicobe, was the target of the operation of PF on March 3, which investigated the Mint contract for the installation of equipment in production lines of manufacturers of drinks.
In operation, the tax auditor and former head of IRS oversight Marcelo Fisch-who was also Chief of staff of the former Minister of finance Guido Mantega-was arrested in the operation for involvement in fraud in bidding the company contracted by the Mint to the functioning of the system, considered expensive by the manufacturers of beverages.
When it was created in 2008, the Sicobe was sold as an efficient model of marking of drinks, with secure codes to function as a kind of digital signature to allow the recipe to make the individual tracking of each drink produced in the country in real time.
The assessment now is that the model did not have the expected impact on revenue and still ended up allowing the occurrence of fraud.
The system enables the measurement of quantities manufactured and identification of types of drinks, brands and packages. It also allows the encoding of products leaving the production line.
Based on this information, the recipe went on to cross information with the amounts paid for taxes by businesses to identify cases of tax evasion. This is one of the sectors considered by the Irs as of great tax evasion in the country.
It was the second Broadcast, real-time news service the Agência Estado, a working group was created to review the control template.
It can be simplified or even eliminated. Is not ruled out the possibility of replacing the system with the strengthening of electronic invoices.
"We can simplify the system to make it cheaper," said a source involved in the studies of system review, recognizing that the model of supervision and control was expensive.
Today, manufacturers buy the kit of control and monitoring equipment, but they can pick off the cost of the PIS and Cofins payable by the company. That is, ultimately, who finances the Government''s surveillance equipment.
In the operation of PF, are investigated fraud in contracts with the Mint that moved more than $ 6 billion in six years, it is estimated that the Group has moved over R$ 150 million in kickbacks.
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