terça-feira, 26 de abril, 2016

Adecol invests in solutions for the pharmaceutical market and participates in the FCE Pharma

A sector in broad rise. So can be defined in the pharmaceutical market, according to the consulting firm IMS Health must move until 2017, R$ 87 billion in sales. Of the total of this amount, about 70% corresponds to retail sales. In 2010, according to the Pharmaceutical Industry Association INTERFARMA of survey, the Brazilian pharmaceutical retail won 28.7 billion and R$ in 2014, passed to 41.8 billion R$ started the consultancy American projections with 45.6% of growth in pharmacy channel. This made the ADECOL, the largest manufacturer of industrial adhesives with national capital of the country, to concentrate on solutions for closing of cartridges and packaging that ensure quality and profitability for the sector.
As part of the strategy of dedication to the segment, the company, which is a leader in providing industrial adhesives for packaging converters and Beauty Care for lock boxes &, will for the first time in its history to expose their applications in stand of 17.5 m2 (D98, booth D3) at FCE Pharma and FCE Cosmetique international exhibition of technology for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The ADECOL already serves numerous printers in Brazil that make cartridges and packaging for pharmaceutical and food industry. For such know-how, especially in the food market, the ADECOL has full knowledge of the preparation and special care in applications in these substrates, following all the sustainable standards that the industry requires.
The FCE Pharma and FCE Cosmetique are performed in parallel and with free access between both, 10 to 12 may, the Transamerica Expo. The fairs meet industry professionals, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, suppliers, distributors and resellers in the country. In one place, visitors will be able to catch up on innovations in products, equipment and services.
"Already we are active in the pharmaceutical market, and we have presence in companies producing disposable diapers, but now our strategy is to look in more detail to this sector and its scope. We want to present solutions that cause great impact on production costs, because in this thread packages have an important role in the total value of the final product. Our goal is to win over customers who seek innovation and quality, with personalized service, "explains Alexandre Kiss, commercial Director of ADECOL.
The big bet of ADECOL for FCE Pharma is the metallocene developed especially for the segment and for the closing of cartridges and packaging. "We hired technical vendors specific to the pharmaceutical market, because we know the necessary requirements and the specific handling of the products. This interest and investment on the part of ADECOL in the pharmaceutical industry is a result of the success that we have in other segments, like the food, where the packaging is surrounded by standards and sustainable aspects, "Alexander.
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