terça-feira, 22 de março, 2016

With innovation, shoe Bill more and save

In recessive periods, it is common to find industry adapt the rhythm of production to weaker demand and cut spending, including innovation. In Brazil, shoe manufacturers have reduced costs and expanded exports to compensate for the drop in domestic sales. But some companies have taken another direction: invest in innovations and registered above-average sales.
The Kidy, manufacturer of children''s footwear of Birigui (São Paulo), is one such company. She developed a numbering increases. Footwear has a device under the insole that allows you to expand the size of the tennis in to a number. Also released a line of sneakers that works like a video game control. With the Chinese Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), the Kidy created a chip with intelligent sensors of movement, which is inserted in footwear. With a wireless connection, the tennis can connect to tablets, smartphones, computers or TVs and control games through moves to the left, right, jumps and rolls.
Another bet is the shoes that can go in the washing machine. André Henz, a development manager Kidy, says this line is between the greater sales volume. The footwear is made with fibers and more resistant polyester, for it can be washed in the dishwasher without spoiling. And metal parts are stainless steel.
"The innovations take into account demands that already exist, but are not yet met. If the company work without innovation, is hostage to the price war, "says Henz. The Executive claims that the Kidy worked with "realistic" goals and closed sales and stable production 2015. The company produces 20 1000 pairs of children''s shoes a day. For 2016, predicting the pace of steady sales.
Last year, the industry''s production fell 7 percent, as estimated from the Brazilian footwear industries Association (Abicalçados). According to the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE), the shoe market in Brazil shrank 8.7%. Exports had 4.2 percent drop in volume, to 124 million pairs, according to the Ministry of development, industry and foreign trade.
The Iemi consulting market intelligence estimates for 2016 1 0.8% increase to 2.1% in the consumption of footwear in the country before 2015, reaching 773.9 million pairs. For production, the consultancy predicts high of 3.5% in volume to 878.7 million pairs, and 7% increase in exports, to 132.8 million pairs.
While the Kidy has developed different products, the Arezzo and co. invested in electronic commerce of trademark handbags and accessories Schutz, to take advantage of the growth of this sales channel, which was 15% in 2015, according to e-bit. The company switched to electronic trading platform that used, Rakuten, a set of SAP software and services and became part of the operation of the store with the brand''s traditional retail operation Schutz.
Mauricio Bastos, Channel Manager for Arezzo and co., said most operations is integrated. A consumer that a product search on the site can, for example, whether there are pairs available in physical stores next to your home, or know if a product has arrived at the store.
The exchange of technology has improved the access to the site. The traffic has increased 24%. Online sales have risen 83% in 2014, to 44 million R$, and 23% in 2015, R$ 54 million. "Customers purchasing via the internet, on average, spend 97% more than consumers only buy in physical stores," said Bastos. The company extended the experience for the Arezzo at the end of 2015 and provides for launch virtual stores for Anacapri, Alexandre Birman and Fiever.
Via Marte, which produces women''s shoes in Nova Hartz (RS), has chosen to invest in logistics. One of his problems was in distribution. On average, 2.8% of the shoes were placed in the wrong box, which enhanced spending on logistics for exchanges. The company invested 56 1000 R$ to update equipment and install software that made more precise the process of packaging of products. As a result, the Via Mars obtained annual savings in the order of 500 1000 R$ with the change in the logistics area.
The companies were among the winners of the prize Abicalçados Directions last year. Companies winners of this year''s prize will be announced on the day April 28.
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