sexta-feira, 14 de outubro, 2016

Owens Illinois provides packaging for teas of Salton

The Salton used his experience in harmonizing to create a new line of teas and was the largest manufacturer of glass containers in the world to choose the bottle of Grape Tea. Are four blends of teas with grape juice ready to drink, that reach the market in 750 ml packaging, produced by Owens Illinois.
The line is available in white with lychee and Moscato; Green with Lemon, Lemongrass and Moscato, both low-calorie, besides black with Tangerine and Moscato; and black with red fruits and Merlot. The premium drinks can be found in major supermarkets and delicatessens in the country and offer health, freshness and lightness to the day to day. "
In recipes, the grape gets featured and aggregates Healthfulness to the product. Rich in polyphenols, the grape is the source of antioxidants, which are allies in the fight against aging. The mixture of flavors is still enriched with vitamin B complex and vitamin C, which helps in the metabolism and immunity.
The packaging chosen to complete the Teas benefits while preserving the integrity of the ingredients. "Consume the drink in glass bottle is to make sure that all the aromas and properties of infusion are there and that the product has the original flavor and freshness, without change of quality", explains Daniel Amaral, Marketing Manager, innovation and new product development of Owens Illinois.
The line Grape Tea was specially created for those values by the flavor and a healthier life. The news arrived to diversify the rows already worked by Salton and bring the proposal to amaze consumers with an innovative experience.
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