quinta-feira, 16 de abril, 2020

CNA launches 'online fair' to facilitate trade in agricultural products

The Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) launched on Wednesday (15), with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, a platform for e-commerce of agricultural products. The system will bring together farmers, applications, supermarket chains and freight service providers to facilitate the marketing of products from the field. In the portal, the producer can register your region and the products you have available, and the interested party will inform your demand and scope. Deliveries can be made by logistics companies with national or regional operations, which are registered on the platform. Buyers will also be able to register on the CNA platform and indicate their need for products, quantities and regions of coverage and, from there, locate the producers who are closest. The confederation will also provide the rural producer with guidance on how to market their product over the Internet. The publication will bring, in addition to information on packaging, volume and weight, tips on how to make the product more attractive to the consumer. "The purpose of the tool is to facilitate commercialization. With this, we hope to enable e-commerce also in small and medium-sized municipalities in the country", explained in a statement the innovation coordinator of CNA, Matheus Ferreira.
G1 - 15/04/2020 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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