segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro, 2019

With digital influencer, brands want summer all year round

In order to raise revenue this summer, retailers in the swimwear segment map sales strategies geared to the engagement of users in social networks. The closest relationship via digital environment has resulted in a product mix more assertive and greater customer loyalty. "Today, three out of four sales that we do is done through online platforms. Our business planning for this period starts when the weather begins to change in Brazil, "argued the head of network marketing clothing Amaro, Denise Door, noting that the business was born in the digital environment. According to the Executive, the prospect is that the present sales growth of 40% over the month period last year. Milward, the items with the highest demand are output dresses, bikinis and skirts. "Social networks are important tools of communication with our customers throughout the year. In addition, the partnership with digital influencers in assists in the creation of differentiated content for each online environment and the launch of new collections for the rest of the seasons, "he added. In the same vein, another example of a retailer with strong performance in the summer period is the liquid. "Nowadays people have a much greater ease in engaging with something an influencer's telling, than with a tag saying the same thing, this is due to the fact that he is a real person on the other side," said the Director General of the brand Hasan.Na Executive assessment, Naim, this season's key piece to the annual revenue of the business, considering that "considering the sales volume of bikinis, sales in the summer months represent 85% of which is sold throughout the year". He also says that, for a time, there was the launch of new items such as purses, visors, sarongs and shirts with ultraviolet protection. Average consumer spending is between R $200 and R $250. In this sense, the founder of retail consulting GS & Cunsult, Jean Paul Rebetez, claims that the category of swimwear has been linked to the practice of physical exercises. Second Rebetez, the retailers have the opportunity to broaden and diversify product mix. " The stores are mixing more more formal garments with the informality. These proposals may also help to increase the volume of sales in seasons during the year less conducive to trade this type of product, since the category of swimwear features many items not normally ", he argued, saying that Rebetez consumer behavior has been a great asset to the networks of clothing regardless of the region of Brazil. Regionalization one of the examples of clothing that is investing in the Union between digital strategy and regional performance is the Equus. "So far, the forecast is that high is 8% on sales volume in comparison as same period last year. We noticed a very strong engagement of the public especially in the search for combinations of parts of regional influencers ", argued the brand marketing manager, Jose Henrique de Lara. According to him, there is not only a network profile on Instagram, but several pages of business responsible for communication and launching products for the country. "Many of our customers come to the stores with the products in mind from what they saw in our pages. In this way, they end up riding his own look with other pieces of clothing, which usually gives us more room for other seasonal periods, "he added, noting that the average ticket at this time of year revolves around R $350. "Currently, we have greater expertise in regions such as Southeast, Midwest and northeast regions", said de Klerk. According to him, the network now has 37 units spread throughout the national territory. By the end of 2019, the goal of the group is open about 12 new stores of physical, in addition to maintaining the regional partnership strategy with digital influencers in new locales.
DCI - 28/01/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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