segunda-feira, 16 de julho, 2018

Makro invests to strengthen sales in atacarejo

For nearly two months the Makro went on to serve advertisements in prime time on television to attract consumers to its 74 stores in Brazil. The placements are intended to show the public that the network also operates on the model cash carry, the popular atacarejo &. For decades the Makro became associated to the bars, restaurants, hotels and other companies. Before, the atacarejo operation was a shy space within the business, as the Dutch wanted VHS, controllers of Makro. However the low rates of growth of the company in Brazil, and the rapid expansion of the atacarejo in the country, forced the network to adapt your strategy. "Things have changed and, after a while, it became apparent that it was necessary to adapt to it. The consumer could buy us, but didn't know why not communicated, as our priority was to work the sale to as ", says Marcos Ambrosano, President of Makro in Brazil. The Executive points out that the crisis has generated a boom of small traders outside Brazil and they, of course, need the attacked. "But if you don't make it clear to the client that he can buy for your company and also for the family, and without bureaucracy, you're losing," complete Ambrosano. The advertising campaign makes clear that the only large companies not picking up Makro, a myth circulated in the past. Another of the company's effort is to show that there is no more need to carry the Passport Makro shopping. Since April, all credit cards are now accepted as form of payment. Not by chance, the hype brings the following motto: "In Makro everyone can, Yes. Service companies, however, will remain the company's DNA, in the words of your President in Brazil.
Supermercado Moderno - 13/07/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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