quinta-feira, 07 de junho, 2018

Stone, mira $ $1 bi in IPO on the New York Stock Exchange

The acquirer Stone mira about $ $1 billion in your IPO on the New York Stock Exchange, the Nyse, scheduled to take place in the second half of this year. In recent weeks, the company made rounds of talks with investment banks that can become advisors of the operation, called "pitches". Lift To open capital in Nyse, the Stone wants to piggyback on Paypal, Uol, whose interest of investors allowed cover in 15 times the offer, that moved $ $2.7 billion on American Stock Exchange, last January. The company, controlled by founders Andrew Street and Edward bridges and which has among its shareholders the British Actis, the brazilian Gávea Investimentos and Madrone Capital Partners, the U.S. wants to raise funds to enhance your operation in Brazil with which competes with heavyweights like Cielo, Bradesco and Banco do Brazil, network, Itaú Unibanco, GetNet, Santander and Brazil. Sought, the Stone didn't comment on the subject.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 07/05/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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