quinta-feira, 06 de julho, 2017

Despite the crisis, Walmart designs 12 new stores this year

Sao Paulo-the electronics retailer Walmart hopes to accelerate the pace of expansion of your revenues this year and open 12 new stores despite the impact of the brazilian crisis in retail, according to information from the Group''s founder, John Appolinário.
"The Brazilian retail sector is suffering. Last year has been very difficult to trade. But I understand that the business continues, "said the Executive, in an interview to journalists during the XVI Meeting Santander Latin America.
The Walmart sales should grow around 15% this year, but may reach 18% compared to 2016, he said. If accomplished, will be greater than the last exercise, which was 12% in comparison to 2015, whose performance was at zero zero. "2015 was harder. This year, we expect a better performance and our expansion Department is open to further negotiations and in search of opportunities, "Appolinário said, without giving the number of the Group''s turnover.
With the 12 new shops to be opened this year, Walmart will total, according to him, 255 units in the Country. Since the outbreak of the crisis, according to the Executive, the company just closed a store and reduced other three. It focused, however, on improving the efficiency of the network. In this context, spending less and open more stores. The resources that the company will spend to open 12 stores this year, which have not been revealed, as the Executive, correspond to the amount invested at the opening of three units in the past.
The founder of Walmart recalled that the physical retail, mainly regarding the opening of malls in Brazil, undergoes an adaptation. "Brazil has had an explosion of malls. Had a lot of offer. Many times, instead of in new towns, several shopping malls were opened in the same regions to compete with each other. Debugging that is occurring, "he explained.
Last year, Walmart opened eight stores and made a total of 22 works to reshape the existing network. In 2015, 15 shops were opened.
DCI - 06/07/2017
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