quarta-feira, 10 de maio, 2017

Mother''s day sales should grow and turn to R $10 bi

Rio – retailers must register a mothers day more mellow this year. Sales should be between R $9 and R $10 billion, according to estimates of two entities that represent the sector.
Buying gifts for the date should move R $9.2 billion in the Country, predicted the National Commerce Confederation for goods, services and tourism (CNC).
The result represents a 3.8% growth in sales volume in comparison with the previous year, already discounted inflation.
If confirmed the estimate, the commemorative date will have real growth in sales after two years of falls. In 2015 and 2016, sales retreated 0.4% and 9.0%, respectively.
The Trade Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Fecomercio RJ) estimates that the second best commemorative date for retail move R $10 billion this year, with about of 72,900,000 of consumers shopping.
Average spending with the presents will be R $136.51. Favorite items are clothes (30%), perfumes and cosmetics (20%), footwear, bags and accessories (11%) and flowers (7%), according to a survey done in partnership with the Research Institute Ipsos carried out in 72 cities.
The majority of consumers who buy gifts (76%) says it intends to pay cash, while 18% reported the intention to pay the value of the purchase.
In the universe of consumers who intend to present, 53% are men and 47% women, and 59 percent of them belonging to the class C, 26% of classes A or B, and 15% classes D or E.
With the expected increase of sales, CNC estimates that retailers will increase the hiring of temporary workers this year, with the opening of 20600 vacancies, up from 20100 posts created in the same period in 2016.
Despite the greater supply of work, the effective rate should remain below the historical average of 5.5%.
Conditions are still fragile, especially the slow resumption of economic activity, employment and credit, justified the Economist Fabio Bentes, the Economic Division of the CNC.
Exame - 09/05/2017
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