segunda-feira, 17 de abril, 2017

Agricultural wholesale prices have strong fall and PGI-10 drops 0.76% in April, says FGV

SAO PAULO (Reuters)-the general price index-10 (PGI-10) had 0,76% crash in April, after rising 0, 5% in March, with strong retreat of agricultural products at wholesale prices.
The fall of the indicator released by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) on Monday was stronger than the expected 0,60% indentation in a survey by Reuters.
The FGV said that the Broad producer price index-10 (IPA-10), which measures the wholesale prices variation and 60% of the General index, fell from 1,29% in April, after 0,12% indentation in the previous month.
According to the IPA, the agricultural products expanded to fall to 3,43% in the period, against deflation of 0,55% before.
On the other hand, the consumer price index-10 (IPC-10), which in turn accounts for your 30% General index, rose 0,42%, after advancing 0,32% in March.
The highlight was with the Power group, whose prices have advanced 0,92% ante 0,11% high in the previous month. In this class, the behavior of the item vegetables.
The groups health and personal care education, reading and recreation and miscellaneous expenditure also expanded the high.
Already the national construction Cost Index-10 (INCC-10) had 0, 2% drop in March, about 0,59% high in March.
The PGI-10 calculates the prices to the producer, consumer and construction between the 11 days of the previous month and 10 of the reference month.
Notícias Agrícolas - 17/04/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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