quarta-feira, 05 de abril, 2017

86% of businesses are still having trouble attracting and retaining professional and technical levels

The main challenges in the area of Human Resources will attract, retain and develop talent with smaller budgets. In 2016, for example, 62% of businesses have reduced your HR budget. For this year, 71% reported that will maintain or decrease their budgets in the area. The data are from research done by the global organizational consulting Korn Ferry, through the Hay Group Division. About of 309 companies participated in the study.
"In addition, 86% of businesses are still having trouble attracting and retaining professional and technical levels, which indicates a lack of more specialized manpower in the Brazilian market. In parallel, underscores a culture, especially within the Brazilian organizations, develop and/or retain talents ", says Lucimar oak, Manager of Korn Ferry Hay Group.
The good news, especially for professionals, is that only 38% of companies still plan to labor cost containment measures. That is, unlike what happened in 2016, there will be fewer layoffs and adjustments in benefits packages. In addition, 27% of organizations promise that will increase its staff for this year.

In contrast, 25% of the companies analyzed must still make adjustments in their structures of collaborators to 2017 – 47% decreased also in 2016. "Some of these companies are in sectors that come suffering a little more on the crisis, as, for example, segments of civil construction, industry and services," concludes Kalyana.
The study still shows that more than half of respondents (52%) companies believe that the macro perspectives of business will be better this year than they were in 2016. "These organizations more optimistic, 60% expect their revenues are larger compared to last year, even if only one digit growth," said Monjur.
Supermercado Moderno - 04/04/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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