segunda-feira, 05 de setembro, 2016

Crisis help subscription sales market

Sao Paulo-the time of economic recession and the shrinkage of income allowed the expansion of online signature clubs. While the consumer tries to change your shopping habits, without diminishing the consumption pattern, companies gain strength to replace mainly the expenses that the Brazilians have away from home.
According to the Brazilian Association of e-commerce (ABComm), the country is expected to register this year, an increase of 40% in the number of e-commerce, to 700 companies, working with subscription sales. Last year it was about 500.
"In this case [of income], the consumer tries to reduce where he believes he will lose a minimum of satisfaction", evaluated the professor Nuno Fouto, who teaches classes in Retail Management program (Prove), the Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA), reference to data of IBGE, last week, that 3% retraction indicated that real incomes of Country in July year-to-year comparison.
The scholar further explained that the replacement of worn out of the House by shopping at signature Club tends to be the first option before you delete that expense. An example of this is the consumer in Exchange for purchases of liquor in bars. "He prefers these groups as options, at the expense of a broader basket he would have."
To the President of the ABComm, Mauricio Salvador, the growth trend of the signature clubs, as well as the increase in virtual shopping, is also related to the good consumer experiences. "The signature clubs bring convenience to people receiving products with a frequency and try brands and flavors. This is a great match to treat social networks, for example. "
Several companies
Partner and chief marketing officer of Omelette Group, which maintains the geek Club Omelette Box, Marcelo Forlani goes beyond and States that the sales trend for signature clubs is a reflection of the virtual environment. Citing, for example, the fact that people leave the credit cards available for purchases of this type. "This minimizes the problem with bad debt, as was the case with the magazine subscriptions and old TV", explains, noting the ease for account closure.
The Omelette Box initiated operations in December last year and are eligible for the curatorial Club segment, where the company keeps an eye on the calendar of product launches, movies and games for choice and Assembly of the kit.
With that assumption, the expectation of Forlani, who preferred not to open it''s numbers have reached, at the end of last month, the planned billing for the year-to-date.
Co-founder of the Veggie Box, Amritha Cunha believes that the thread has space for everything. His company, a club curated by snacks and vegan beauty products, since the beginning of 2015, has 1000 Subscribers and want to double the brand until the end of the year.
"Our Club, or Club geek himself, for example, arose from a lack of an audience. Where there is this need, there will be new options to serve it and by that the sector has the potential to grow much more, "said Amritha.
In Goodbye, intimate products Club Routine, manufacturers and sexólogas help to define, at the beginning of the year, which will be directed. The company uses commemorative dates still to define the products, like the Veggie Box. Maicon already Edwards, cofounder of Goodbye routine, points out that the great concept of the clubs is to provide experience. "A wine club, for example, sends along sommelier tips, saying what goes with that wine."
Many challenges
Although desirable, enter this market should be done with some care. Edwards, for example, points out that in addition to having good balconies, the clubs have that dribble adversities. Companies with few subscribers, for example, has the arduous task to negotiate price with supplier, with freight operators and manage correctly the stock. "To a box, you''ll have to ask around 10000 units, and it is difficult to make such a request and let guardado."
Of similar opinion shares the co-founder of Book Club TAG, Thomas Susin. "Before entering the market, the entrepreneur must be very well prepared to face several challenges," alert.
The network from which the entrepreneur is also part of curatorship, and every month a person reference in the cultural scenario is chosen to indicate the work that will be sent.
Other options
Commercial Director of WORLDWIDE Commerce, specializes in e-commerce platforms, Mauricio Correa explained that in addition to the subscription Club of curatorship, there is also the practicality. In this case, the company sends routine products kits. Example of mode is the Home Club, which imports Shave razors of high quality with the purpose of creating an alternative to the current market and combat high prices.
The founder Arthur da Costa said that before entering the market, it was necessary to study it. "The Brazilian does not consume as much as the American. We did durability testing of the blade to adjust the shipping the product in a way that it does not accumulate in the House. "
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