quinta-feira, 02 de junho, 2016

Smartphone sale 25% recoil in Q1

São Paulo-against the overall trend, the market for smartphones in Brazil follows in retraction. In the first quarter of this year, over the past year, the retraction in the sale of the appliances was 25%, Gartner estimates.
From January to March, 10.6 million sets were sold on domestic soil, compared to 14.6 million sales recorded in the same period last year. According to the survey, the Samsung is the leader in sales in Brazil, with 42% market share. Then comes Lenovo, with 19%, and the BLU, with 11%. For the next few months, the expectation is that the market follow little open to new purchases, until the recession.
Worldwide, sales of smartphone feature a different trajectory. In the first quarter, there was high of 3.9% on sales volume, compared to the previous year, passing from 336 million units to 349 million. As a result, the consultancy estimates that sales are equivalent to about 3.8 million devices sold per day.
The study points out that the increasing demand for low-cost appliances and 4 g devices in emerging countries contributed to expand the demand for smartphones. They came to represent 78% of the total phones sold from January to April this year.
According to the Gartner Research Director, Anshul Gupta, in this scenario, new brands have gone on to compete in the market while traditional companies experiencing a saturation period of sales growth.
"Chinese companies are emerging as new global brands," says Gupta. Among the five largest sellers of smartphones, three are Chinese (Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi) and account for 17% of market participation.
The first placings remained of 2015 here. Sales of Samsung leader remained stable in the period and went on to represent 23 percent of the market. On the other hand, Apple, with 15% of the market, recorded his first double-digit drop in sales (14%). To reverse this situation, the company reduced the price of the iPhone in the United States and in 6S emerging countries, is trying to deploy a program to recover and resell used iPhones. Already the Oppo was the manufacturer who obtained the better performance, reaching fourth place with 145% growth in sales.
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