quinta-feira, 02 de junho, 2016

Sidel helps brazilian company to create the "pet bottle lighter in the world for packaging of edible oil"

The Sidel, a leading provider of production equipment and services for liquids in PET, collaborated with the Algar Agro to produce 900 ml PET bottle lighter in the world for packaging of edible oil. The Algar Agro is among the most active companies in the Brazilian market and worked with Sidel to decrease the overall weight of their bottle fresh 18 to 14 grams – a reduction of 22%.
sidel2A bottle was redesigned, but changes its visual were minimal, to preserve the already consolidated product image with consumers. However, when requesting the expertise in weight reduction of Sidel, the Algar Agro was able to obtain significant savings in both the weight factor in the use of raw materials. Without forgetting the impact generated by the minimization of costs to produce, Pack and transport the finished product, as well as lower total cost of ownership (TCO) of own production equipment.
The proposals of optimization of bottle were prepared by Sidel, which also conducted feasibility tests of the new design on your Packaging & Tooling Centre (Centre of packages and tools) of Guadalajara, Mexico. The Sidel was chosen because of its experience and expertise, but also the concrete proposals presented to the Algar Agro during the preliminary discussions for the weight reduction of the bottle.
Edney Brave Lima Filho, project coordinator of Algar Agro, explains: "we put together the best suppliers in the industry, and this was reflected in the results of the project. Sidel''s success is due to its know-how, evidenced during the negotiation to propose and ensure the manufacture of new bottle for vegetable oil – the lightest in the world. "
With the acquisition of two Sidel blow molding Matrix ™ – one for each production unit-, Algar Agro believed to be the first Brazil oil-producing part of the injection and blow your PET bottles production process. Sidel''s machines were installed in lines with a capacity to produce 25 1000 PET bottles for vegetable oil per hour. The installation began after two years of research and feasibility studies of the process of integration for the production and packaging of vegetable oils.
Modular blasting brings significant benefits
The Sidel blower Matrix is a system of modular blasting that allows quick format changes, less environmental impact, greater efficiency and more availability of equipment, contributing to lower TCO. With up to 200 possible configurations, this system offers quality and consistency. Manufacturers gain the flexibility to choose the size and more tailored to your needs. Three dimensions of blowing stations allow you to produce a multitude of formats of individual size bottles (up to 750 ml), large (up to 2 liters) or family (up to 3.5 liters). The machine is equipped with an electric stretch system for better control of the distribution of the material, while the integrated machine intelligence improves self-monitoring and the automation of processes, ensuring the safety of the package. Especially designed to reduce waste, the Sidel blower Matrix automatically detects and eliminates deviations in manufacturing processes of the bottles.
Today, Sidel has seven Packaging Tooling Centres worldwide deployed &: China (two), France, India, Brazil, USA and Mexico. Installations of Guadalajara, Mexico''s second-largest city, demonstrate the company''s focus on its global knowledge transfer to local manufacturers, thus helping to meet the growing demand of this market. The design of the bottles to the construction and management of the entire life cycle of the line, the manufacturers need solutions and enhanced services, with more flexibility, speed, high level of cooperation and interaction.
Two production units
The Algar Agro is a privately held company that produces, processes and markets soy and its derivatives. The lines of food products of the company include soybean oil, olive oil, oil, extract and tomato sauce-some of these items are manufactured in partnership with other companies. The Algar Agro supplies both internal as external market. The activities of crushing, refining and packaging of soybean oil are concentrated in two modern industrial complexes located in Uberlândia, in the Triângulo Mineiro, and in free port in the South of Maranhao.
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