quarta-feira, 01 de junho, 2016

47% of consumers don''t want to spend money

The Brazilian consumer confidence declined 2 points in the first quarter of this year. The index has reached the lowest score (74) in eleven years of history study from Nielsen, which measures the perception of local job prospects, personal finances and immediate intentions.
"In Brazil, consumers are looking for every opportunity to optimize their domestic spending. The big picture remains a challenge for the consumer market, with negative GDP growth, high rates of inflation and rising unemployment. The retail sales data from Nielsen, in the three months ended in February 2016, showed a decline of 2.1% in consumer goods of high spin, and half of the categories analyzed suffered a migration to more affordable brands, "says Luis Arjona, Managing Director of Nielsen Brazil.
This situation is not so optimistic causes consumers adopt a more planned and more determined to make choices for equibrar the budget. With that in mind, 47% of respondents believe that it is not a good time to spend money. After covering essential living expenses, the main priorities of them to use the surplus money are paying debts, credit cards and loans (39%), entertainment outside the home (36%) and new clothes (23%).
Insofar as economic conditions improve, 51% of respondents intend to continue saving on gas and electricity, 27% by cutting spending on phone and 24% spending less with new clothes.
And for the next six months, the Brazilian''s main concerns are the economy and health. The increase in domestic accounts, the balance between work and quality of life, as well as the increase in food prices, also take their sleep.
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