quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro, 2016

Agriculture enforces grocery stores to prevent fraud in the sale of fish

The Ministry of agriculture intensifies from this Tuesday, 16, surveillance for the prevention of fraud in the sale of fish. Supermarkets in six States and the Federal District were visited by tax collected fish samples packed to verify that the product was being offered. The folder reported that the operation was scheduled for the period leading up to Easter, when there is an increase in consumption of fish.
"Cod is usually one of the biggest fraudulent. In his place, the consumer may be buying other species as saith and ling ", reported the Ministry. The folder reported that there are also cheat with sole, which is replaced by whiting, panga, plaice and halibut. If fraud is proven, after examination, the suppliers of fish trade can receive a fine of up to 15 1000 R$.
Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, São Paulo, Ceará, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina underwent monitoring.
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