terça-feira, 07 de julho, 2015

Termotécnica uses reverse logistics and already recycles styrofoam

The Termotécnica found in the so-called reverse logistics and collection points in spraying a solution to what has always been considered the main problem for the recycling of styrofoam: transport.
Known as Expandable Polietireno (EPS) in the chemical sector, the styrofoam is a material whose collection drew little interest of cooperatives, for being very lightweight and take up a lot of space. In 2007, when the manufacturer of EPS Termotécnica decided to enter the recycling market, this inconvenience was one of the first to draw the attention of the team.
"When we start to recover this material, in companies that didn't know that target give to their styrofoam shavings, realize the great difficulty of logistics to move the product," says the Group's sustainability Coordinator, Paul Michels. He explains, however, that the project had become a personal contract of the President of the company, Albano Schmidt, who did not allow it to be abandoned.
Trying to circumvent the problem, the company started to distribute in lending to its partners, machines that could compress the styrofoam thrown. To bring all material collected on these points, the company utilizes trucks returning to their destinations without charge, on the model of reverse logistics. The team identified independent truckers and carriers that operate in regions in which the Group has units and negotiates with them the return of styrofoam.
Today, the Termotécnica, whose headquarters are in Joinville, has the necessary equipment for EPS recycling in its eight production units, scattered through the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Pernambuco and in Manaus.
"With this process, we can make our recycling business," says Michels. According to him, today the unit of reuse of EPS of Termotécnica already supports without need to access resources from other areas.
In its eight years of operation, the Division 40 thousand tons of recycled styrofoam. To give an idea, according to the latest industry data, only in 2012 the Brazil recycled 13.5 thousand of tons of EPS 39,340 discarded, shows research commissioned by the Instituto SocioAmbiental Plastivida plastics to Maxiquim, consulting firm specializing in the industrial segment. The prospect, according to the Coordinator of Termotécnica, is to grow 5 percent a year until 2020.
Selective collection
"We are increasing the number of cooperatives who work with us," said the Executive. "The big industries are already all mapped and one way or another work for recycling material. The big challenge now is in retail. "
For the entrepreneur, the greatest difficulty in this segment is on awareness of people for the possibility to recycle EPS. Most cities do not have an organized system of selective collection and much of the population doesn't even know that the styrofoam is a 100% recyclable material, says Michels.
The main bet the company is now on the national solid waste policy, establishing targets for removal of dumps in the country. The initiative, adopted as law in 2010, setting up the shared responsibility of waste generators: manufacturers, importers, distributors, traders and citizens, in the process of recycling discarded products.
"In politics, this interest of the population should grow, but we need to be prepared to receive the material," said the Executive. The company, which today works in conjunction with 391 recycling cooperatives, intends to expand this number, but points out that it's still difficult Michels convince associations that the recycling of styrofoam is a viable business.
Like all recycled EPS product undergoes a screening when it comes to Termotécnica units, where is separated by color and quality. The white styrofoam, that has a value greater by have more possibility of application, is isolated from the colorful or has been contaminated with dirt.
After that, the members do the manual removal of the identification tags and follows to a shredder. After being cold, the material goes to a flattening machine, where it is turned back into plastic. Finally, the new material goes through a sieve and can be marketed. The Termotécnica found in the so-called reverse logistics and collection points in spraying a solution to what has always been considered the main problem for the recycling of styrofoam: transport.
Known as Expandable Polietireno (EPS) in the chemical sector, the styrofoam is a material whose collection drew little interest of cooperatives, for being very lightweight and take up a lot of space. In 2007, when the manufacturer of EPS Termotécnica decided to enter the recycling market, this inconvenience was one of the first to draw the attention of the team.
"When we start to recover this material, in companies that didn't know that target give to their styrofoam shavings, realize the great difficulty of logistics to move the product," says the Group's sustainability Coordinator, Paul Michels. He explains, however, that the project had become a personal contract of the President of the company, Albano Schmidt, who did not allow it to be abandoned.
Trying to circumvent the problem, the company started to distribute in lending to its partners, machines that could compress the styrofoam thrown. To bring all material collected on these points, the company utilizes trucks returning to their destinations without charge, on the model of reverse logistics. The team identified independent truckers and carriers that operate in regions in which the Group has units and negotiates with them the return of styrofoam.
Today, the Termotécnica, whose headquarters are in Joinville, has the necessary equipment for EPS recycling in its eight production units, scattered through the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Pernambuco and in Manaus.
"With this process, we can make our recycling business," says Michels. According to him, today the unit of reuse of EPS of Termotécnica already supports without need to access resources from other areas.
In its eight years of operation, the Division 40 thousand tons of recycled styrofoam. To give an idea, according to the latest industry data, only in 2012 the Brazil recycled 13.5 thousand of tons of EPS 39,340 discarded, shows research commissioned by the Instituto SocioAmbiental Plastivida plastics to Maxiquim, consulting firm specializing in the industrial segment. The prospect, according to the Coordinator of Termotécnica, is to grow 5 percent a year until 2020.
Selective collection
"We are increasing the number of cooperatives who work with us," said the Executive. "The big industries are already all mapped and one way or another work for recycling material. The big challenge now is in retail. "
For the entrepreneur, the greatest difficulty in this segment is on awareness of people for the possibility to recycle EPS. Most cities do not have an organized system of selective collection and much of the population doesn't even know that the styrofoam is a 100% recyclable material, says Michels.
The main bet the company is now on the national solid waste policy, establishing targets for removal of dumps in the country. The initiative, adopted as law in 2010, setting up the shared responsibility of waste generators: manufacturers, importers, distributors, traders and citizens, in the process of recycling discarded products.
"In politics, this interest of the population should grow, but we need to be prepared to receive the material," said the Executive. The company, which today works in conjunction with 391 recycling cooperatives, intends to expand this number, but points out that it's still difficult Michels convince associations that the recycling of styrofoam is a viable business.
Like all recycled EPS product undergoes a screening when it comes to Termotécnica units, where is separated by color and quality. The white styrofoam, that has a value greater by have more possibility of application, is isolated from the colorful or has been contaminated with dirt.
After that, the members do the manual removal of the identification tags and follows to a shredder. After being cold, the material goes to a flattening machine, where it is turned back into plastic. Finally, the new material goes through a sieve and can be marketed.
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