terça-feira, 28 de julho, 2015

Organic ready-to-eat products

The paranaense Art is betting on organic food market and launched an exclusive line of products, organic, ready for the consumer to put your spices and give your final touch. The company invested r $ 500 thousand in the launch and also in changing all packaging and repositioning of the products, including the lines just warm up and Give Your Final touch, marking the 20 years of the company.
The logo is more organic, simple and lightweight, and refers to the concept of simplicity in preparation and consumption. In addition, the cartridge won Windows on the sides to show the product. "This view, even if it's metallic pack which involves meat, is important so that consumers know exactly what they are buying," says Enrico Milani, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Art.
"Our technology is to pack the products and then boiled and autoclaved inside the packaging itself, in a perfect combination of pressure, temperature and time for each type of food. This makes our products preserve flavor and nutrients. In addition, this technology maintains the Healthfulness of foods for a year, without the need for refrigeration and without adding any chemical additive ", explains Martin.
The illustrative images of the new packages were produced by photographer Karen Cunha, specializes in gourmet products and cartridges are supplied by masterful.
ABRE - 27/07/2015 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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