segunda-feira, 27 de julho, 2015

Natura scans sales force

Natura took another step in a cumbersome strategy to modernize and digitize your sales force. The direct sales company began offering telephony services and means of payment to its base of more than 1.3 million consultants as part of its effort to increase their productivity.
The new products will allow the consultants make requests for the company by phone and also receive payment from your customers on time, with a credit card.
To this end, Natura will offer, in partnership with a chip in the data traffic to the company's applications free. With Paypal, it has entered into an agreement to offer card readers to consultants.
In the last five quarters, sales per consultant fell, a process that analysts believe have been packed not only by the macroeconomic environment, but also for greater competition in the industry and a consumer migration to electronic commerce. Offer facilities like the credit card payment could therefore help the company to turn this around.
According to the Vice President of digital technology of Natura, Agenor Lion, the consultants have offered on its own terms of payment, loans, or selling on credit. Using cardboard, therefore, should simplify the work.
In a teleconference with analysts and investors, the President of the company, Roberto Lima, assessed that the measure has the potential to increase sales by a consultant. "We may have an improved performance as the payment deadlines can tighten and the consultants no longer have to use their own capital", commented.
Today, almost all requests for consultants to Natura are made via internet, but for desktop computers. Now the effort is to give mobility and agility. "The mobile devices have brought access to who wasn't in the digital world," said Leo.
Digital projects
In the last three years, Natura has lived a technological transformation. Much of the more recent investments have been directed to enhance it systems, so that the company could run projects such as mobile applications and Natura, e-commerce.
Lion reached the Natura in 2012 coming from the telecommunications industry and has since commanded the technological changes in the company. The company has a monitoring user experience of consultants both in ordering system of electronic trade company. In a laboratory of innovation, a group working on ideas for new projects.
"This is a company that for years has been working with the idea of reputation and recommendation, only in the offline world, and what we're designing now aims to strengthen this relationship and the role of consultants," he said.
The Vice President of Natura clarified that the provision of these new products at consultants not intended to generate revenue from the sale of them. The company acts as an intermediary between suppliers and consultants.
The course, for example, agreed to exempt the collection of data on the use of applications in Exchange for the opportunity to market your products to the universe of consultants of Natura, explains the Director of value-added services from the phone company, Alexander Olivari. This is the first proposal for a custom product for dealers, said the Executive, who believes in the growth of partnerships of this type.
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