sexta-feira, 03 de julho, 2015

Manufacturers can be fined for reducing packaging

The subsidiaries of multinational companies Unilever, Nestlé and Pepsico can be fined amounts that reach more than $ 7.9 million if convicted in five administrative proceedings opened by the Senacon (National Secretariat of the consumer) of the Ministry of Justice. The establishment of processes for product makeup — when there is a reduction in the quantity of the products without proper consumer information — was published on Wednesday (1/7) in the (Federal Official Gazette). Companies will have 10 days to present a defense. In the case of Unilever, the products would have been clean are the ice cream Kibon, Omo washing powder and deodorant Rexona Men V8. In the case of Nestlé, the product is the ice cream, and at Pepsico Chocolover, Quacker oats. Through the note, the Director of the DPDC (Department of protection and consumer protection), Amaury, pointed out that since the issue of Ordinance 81/2002 MJ dozens of administrative proceedings have been instituted, the order of which was fought the practice of makeup products and ensured the basic right of consumers to information. "At first, it was verified that the products with lower weight had the packing dimensions larger than the original, despite reducing the amount. After some companies started to keep the size of packaging, reducing the weight without any information to consumers. Now what is happening is that the information about the new weight even exists, but the reduction of the product is not transmitted clearly and ostentatious, as determines the CDC (consumer Code) ". The CDC provides that it is the duty of the supplier ensure consumers correct information, clear and for overt about the characteristics, qualities, quantities and composition of the products. In the case of products, the reduction Ordinance 81 of 2002 States that the information should appear in the main panel of the packaging, print size and color highlighted, stating in clear, precise and ostensible there was quantitative change, as well as the quantity of the product in the existing packing before and after the change.
SM - 02/07/2015 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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