quarta-feira, 29 de julho, 2015

Falling 4.72% sales in the supermarket sector, says Association

São Paulo-supermarket industry sales fell 4.72% in real values in June compared to may and 3.04% in comparison with June last year.
Year to date, there has been no change in sales, according to the National Sales Index of the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets (Open), released today (28), in São Paulo.
The basket of products 35 wide use, analyzed by the recorded high of 1.19 percent with the price from r $ 406,20 to R $ 411,03 in May June.
The items presented higher price highs were onion (16.72%), potatoes (8.99%), laundry detergent (4.42%) and shampoo (4.12%).
On the contrary, are related to tomatoes ( -12.79%), cream cracker biscuit ( -4.44%), pasta semolina Spaghetti ( -1.47%) and disinfectant ( -0.98%).
All regions were discharged in the basket, with the North leading the list (2.54%) reached the amount of r $ 463,35, followed by the Northeast (1.91%), reaching R $ 352,54, South (0.96%) and value of R $ 448,70, Southeast (0.44%), totaling r $ 392,91 and Midwest (013), worth $ 390,12.
According to the Vice President of Open, John Sanzovo, the result is a reflection of the political and economic crisis scenario that generates a lack of consumer confidence, in addition to increased unemployment, decreased wages and high inflation that causes loss of purchasing power.
"We have a complicated scenario in which we can say that the industry is well positioned in comparison with other sectors".
On Sanzovo analysis, the sector is able to maintain some stability, because the consumer is changing some habits, how to quit eating away from home.
"This implies buying more in the supermarket, to supply the pantry. At the same time restricting purchases of other goods, buy more at the supermarket to satisfy. It also has a very strong attempt the sector in search of more deals that create positive climate inside the shops, generate a larger provision for consumption and hold the prices ".
The expectation is that the sector presents light recovery in the second half, according to end-of-year parties.
"We want sales to be at least equal if possible superior to the second half of last year. What gives us that hope is that, in times of crisis, the consumer and retracts to buy other things, and keeps the consumption of commodities ".
Sanzovo pointed out that if this behavior change is confirmed, there will be no layoffs in the industry and take the seasonal shops to hire more employees for the period of the end of the year.
In addition, all planned investment by retailers are held to this year.
"The own brands also have great strength and the consumer changes of steps as your budget. But not all supermarkets that offer. Where you don't find own brands the consumer goes down the stairs of the average price to the low price ".
Exame - 28/07/2015
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