terça-feira, 23 de junho, 2015

Cooperative paranaense invests r $ 700 mi to expand production and storage of malt

The agroindustrial cooperative agrarian of Parana, will invest about $ 700 million by 2016. Most of the resources will be allocated to the increase in the production of malt and the elevation of the area for grain storage.
With a contribution of approximately $ 340 million, the group will increase by almost 60% malt manufacturing in the plant of Guarapuava. The cooperative is one of the main suppliers of raw material for the Brewers in the country. "Brazil is not self-sufficient in malt, we import a part of what we sell. So, Let's expand the capacity, "said Arnaldo Stock, Chief Financial Officer. The product, made from barley, differentiates the typical profile of Agrarian cooperatives of Paraná, dominated by grain, such as soybeans, and pigs. The increase in grain storage, in turn, will consume about $ 200 million, including improvements to access and yard to vehicles. The investments were maintained, even with the bad economy, because they already had been prepared before the crisis.
"The moment is of caution and we are also afraid. Maybe, if we were to discuss the projects now, we wouldn't be so audacious as well, "he says. The Agrarian Fund the most contributions – about 90% – through the BNDES and the BRDE (Regional Bank for the development of the extreme South).
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