terça-feira, 23 de setembro, 2014

Utam coffee launches exclusive and limited edition

The Coffee Roaster, Utam headquartered in Ribeirão Preto (SP) and branch in Piumhi (Minas Gerais), has launched an exclusive and limited edition: Utam Uno Recently, another increment in pods capsules timeline. This is the first capsule made in Brazil especially to Utam, composed of coffee beans produced in one of the major suppliers of the company: Ana Paula farm-family owned Julius Smith, also owner of the company. The farm is located in southern Minas Gerais and preserves a judicious process of planting coffee at an altitude of about 1,000 metres.
The company entered the market of capsules in large-scale retail in 2013 and with pioneering brought to Brazil capsules with different origins coffees to serve the Brazilian palate. Utam recently also invested to enter the domestic market even more efficient capsules with State-of-the-art technology and approved by laboratory tests.
Now, the company part to provide to your consumer audience an experience of flavours and sensations with new blends – produced in Brazil. This first edition of Uno Utam reserve is a copy of the best quality grains produced in southern Minas Gerais.
Using best practices to produce specialty coffees, Fazenda Ana Paula maintains processes ranging from crop care, grain harvest made still cherry, the process of stripping the same before drying them and handling in the yard.
Due to these differences, of all the harvested coffee, less than 10% falls on the characteristics of a coffee as the one used for the production of this particular batch. The result is an aromatic coffee with taste resembling almonds pulled the caramel, with slight touch of chocolate, marked by notes of sweetness of the beans source peeled cherry gourmet.
The idea is to launch several limited editions of Utam Uno Recently, selecting the best micro lots of coffees on the market. "We chose initially to Ana Paula Farm, because the property has always been highly praised. It's actually one of our best productions of coffee ", explains the Director of Utam, Ana Carolina Soares de Carvalho.
The Executive Board announces that the Uno Special Edition Reserve Utam line Farm Ana Paula will feature 20 thousand rounds at the points of sale. "All will be 200 thousand capsules available in the market," points out.
The capsules Utam line Uno reserve are fully sealed disallowing oxygen exchange with the environment. Furthermore, the format still provides a better anatomical fit more in the Utam Uno coffee machines or Nespresso, "which causes an even tastier coffee, keeping the features of each blend for much longer," adds the Director Ana Carolina.
Utam Uno Line
The Coffee Utam has invested heavily to implement their new line-marked by values that conceptualize modern and exclusive products and who understand the major trends of power supply: sensuality, pleasure, convenience and practicality. The capsules Utam Uno are compatible with the machine Utam Uno, which was also released in 2013 and with Nespresso Machines machines.
"Since last year, has bet on the single market Utam cup coffee and created a row to be positioned as Premium, which was very well accepted by our audience. So, we decided to invest in its expansion to achieve new types of consumer profiles ", explains the Director of Utam, Ana Carolina Soares de Carvalho.
In addition to recently increase the portfolio of the pods, the company presents, adopting new enhancements capsules. The changes were approved by Utam Coffee together his Portuguese partner, after an intense period of research and quality testing.
Currently, the capsules have a more advanced technology. The product, with even more anatomical format provides less oxygen exchange and a better fit on the coffee machine, "which causes an even tastier coffee, keeping the features of each blend for much longer," adds the Director Ana Carolina.
Embanews - 22/09/2014
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