terça-feira, 09 de setembro, 2014

Embelleze launches line for feet and hands

In order to enter the market for hand and foot care, the line launched with six Embelleze products for the segment. They are: ChiC cuticle softener, ChiC nail Strengthener, nail polish remover, ChiC ChiC exfoliating, Hydrating foot and ChiC ChiC Silicone Drying enamels, this with formula that promises a "drying Express" in the enamel, according to the brand. In addition to the new line, the company also launches the Novex family products my curls, geared toward women with curly hair, distributed in retail outlets in the country, in versions 1 kg jar of shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioning cream.
Giro News - 09/09/2014
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