terça-feira, 19 de agosto, 2014

Worldwide sales of smartphones climbed 25% in the second quarter, says IDC

SÃO PAULO-smartphone sales surpassed the mark of 300 million units in the second quarter worldwide, which means an increase of 25% compared to last year, according to consulting firm IDC.
According to the data, the operating system Google Android, and iOS, Apple, have 96% of the world market. Android is the leading handily, with a slice of 84.7% of the Smartphone market in the second quarter, versus 11.7% 2.5% of iOS and Windows Phone, Microsoft.
The BlackBerry has 0.5% of the market, and other operating systems have a slice of 0.6%.
The survey shows that the equipment equipped with Android were the major responsible for the growth, with sales of about 255 million sets in the Google operating system in the second quarter, an increase of 33.3% over the past year.
The high can be attributed to the expansion of emerging markets. Apple, for example, managed to maintain a high demand for the iPhone in the Brics countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Recently the company claimed to have grown 55 percent in those markets.
IDC said that the iOS saw its market share fall despite registering a growth of 12.7% in sales compared to last year.
Samsung accounted for 29.3% of sales of Android-powered smartphones last quarter, a fall in relation to the participation of 40% two years ago. The fall of the Korean company among manufacturers of Android is also a reflection of the growth of Chinese competitors, which helps explain the high in the market.
Lenovo, for example, announced last week a 18% increase in revenue in its latest fiscal quarter. According to the company, the profit in Southeast Asia, in Eastern Europe and in Latin America grew 23%.
In July the Chinese Huawei also said that sales in the Middle East and Africa grew six times in the first half of the year. Generally the Chinese manufacturers offer devices with Android.
Valor Econômico - 17/08/2014
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