sexta-feira, 29 de agosto, 2014

Rinosoro offers complete solution for the whole family during the dry season days

During the winter, it is common that the frequency and amount of rainfall decrease dramatically, reducing the relative humidity of the air and, consequently, impairing the health of adults and children, who suffer more with the symptoms of rhinitis and respiratory allergies. To relieve the discomfort of symptoms, it is necessary the hydration of the nasal passages. Rinosoro, mark present on the market since 1960, offers a complete line of products that includes and/or free, decongestants and nasal umidificante that relieve respiratory symptoms of colds, colds and allergies.
The ideal index of relative humidity for human health is above 60%, so that the 13 percent recorded in São Paulo this week, for example, signal alert state. This situation is no different in other States of the country. With Rinosoro's help to moisturize the nasal passages, it is also important to heed the hydration of the body-drinking a lot of water-and skin moisturizing creams – using specific to each region.
Embanews - 29/08/2014
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