quinta-feira, 07 de agosto, 2014

New colony inspired by the beauty of the marvelous city Relax on the beaches of Rio.

New colony inspired by the beauty of the marvelous city Relax on the beaches of Rio. Absorb the life, music, culture and colors. Show your personality your vibrant style. The new colony of Jafra Cosmetics is inspired by the beauty of the wonderful city, to make women more beautiful, vibrant and feminine. Use it for a party without end in the tropical paradise.
Rio Girl has seductive fragrance and multifaceted. Output notes: Orange, Apple, Nectarine, cashew, pineapple juice, Guarana and red fruits. Body notes: raspberry, cyclamen, Begonia, pink, violet, tobacco flower and Tuberose. Base notes: musk, cedarwood, cinnamon, sandalwood, vanilla and sweet chords.
Embanews - 07/08/2014
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