quarta-feira, 27 de agosto, 2014

Natura launches 100% recycled PET refill for a fragrance line Ekos

Natura brings to its line of feminine fragrances Ekos Incentive option of packaging cartridges produced in 100% recycled PET. This is the first major brand of perfumery to develop and release refills for your incentive. "A pioneer in launching refills for the recharge of bottles in 80 years, we were the first company in Brazil to offer cosmetics this innovation. In addition to economical, using refill reduces environmental impact and helps to minimize emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, "says Denise Coutinho, Director of the perfumery business unit of Natura.
Because they are made from discarded material, reclaimed and recycled, the Natura Ekos cartridges Incentive issue 72% less carbon in its production process. In addition, provide more savings to consumers, since they are 20% cheaper than regular packaging.
Natura began to offer refills for their products in 2000, with the line Natura Chronos, Natura fennel, Natura, Natura Man Sève, Natura Plant, Deodorants, Natura, Natura Is MOM and baby and Natura Ekos. In 2010, relaunched the Natura refill fennel, produced with green plastic made from sugar cane, and also the Natura refill Is currently with 85% less plastic than regular packaging.
Embalagem Marca- 26/08/2014
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