sexta-feira, 08 de agosto, 2014

Auto industry sales fell 12.4 percent in the first semester

The fall in the production faced by automakers affected in full the national auto industry, which was already facing serious problems of competitiveness. Turnover in the industry suffered contraction of 12.4% between January and June 2014. Considering only June revenues, the result was 22.1% lower than that of May and expressive 32.4% lower than the same month in 2013. The data are from the Economic Survey Report, released by the Sindipeças (see here).
The reduction of vehicle manufacturers ' orders was primarily responsible for the decrease in industry performance. Deliveries of auto parts to automakers fell 16.2 percent in the first half. Another thread that had important decrease was the intrassetoriais sales, which represent negotiations between the component links in the production chain, autoparts manufacturers themselves. The low reached 12% and concern not only for significant number, but indicate increased imports. According to the Sindipeças, if orders are not made within the own national industry, it can be concluded that the parties and sets required are being brought from outside by systemists or automakers.
Smaller declines were noted in the actual sales revenues to the replacement market and exports. The recipe with aftermarket deliveries decreased by 5.2%. The low is less expressive than the registered in business with automakers because the thread traditionally does not suffer major concussions before the downturn of the economy, since it depends on the current fleet of vehicles in the country. The export segment was the most discreet retraction was submitted in the first half, to 3%.
Before the fall of the Brazilian production of auto parts sales dropped from 15.4% between January and June, according to the report by Sindipeças from data of IBGE. The idle capacity of the Community industry increased 4.4 percentage points and reached 34.7% in June. The performance pulled down also the level of jobs, which accumulated reduction of 3% in the first half.
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