terça-feira, 26 de agosto, 2014

ABRE (Brazilian packaging Association) 2014: there are only 15 days for the announcement of the most outstanding packaging in 2013/2014

Sign up for the ceremony of the Brazilian Packaging Award OPENS to be held on 11 September, in São Paulo, and prestige companies winners of the contest and to fraternize with the professionals of the entire production chain of packaging and consumer goods.
In its 14th edition, the award OPENS the Brazilian packaging confers recognition for excellence to companies of the various links in the chain of production and consumer goods, operating throughout the country, whose packaging stood out for its design, technology, functionality, efficiency, innovation and added value in the category and intended market.
The ABRE (Brazilian packaging Association) brings together seven Modules that guide the evaluation form of packing, congregating registrations by market segment:
-Graphic Design
-Structural Design
-Technology-International Competitiveness
Visit www.premioabre.org.br and make your inscription.
ABRE - 26/08/2014 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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