quinta-feira, 03 de julho, 2014

Natura forehead decoration products for sale and fashion via the internet

The cosmetics manufacturer Natura is testing the sale of home furnishings and fashion produced by small and medium companies. The project, entitled Natura + and started in may, is only available to consultants and customers of São José dos Campos, Campinas, in São Paulo. The products are sold only on the internet through the Natura system, which is in pilot phase in the same municipalities.
The average ticket Natura + is, on average, three times greater than the company's cosmetics, according to Maria Paula Fonseca, Director of new business of Natura. The consultant receives 15% on sales of new categories, compared with 30% of beauty and hygiene products. According to the Executive, this difference is common on the market. The fashion retailer Marisa offers 20% Commission on their door-to-door sales. In Avon, the percentage is 20% for fashion and home and 25% for beauty.
The portfolio of Natura + includes footwear, lingerie, clothing, accessories and decorative objects, such as frames and cushions. There are, for example, a raw cotton napkin for $ 17,90 and panties from $ 25. Among the most expensive products, a cotton dress with silk is sold at R $ 440 and a hand-enameled lamp costs $ 500. "The consumer is in a same place products and brands that usually are not together, but are aesthetically connected," says Maria Paula.
The project has 15 brands, among them Andrea Schostak, Basico, Gerrad Before, What, Lu Haddad, Maria Oiticica, Vert, Verve, Flavia Del Pra and Il Casalingo. "We seek authenticity, authorship, without giving up the ethical principles that Natura works", says Maria Paula. The curatorial process continues and other marks should be included. The contract with suppliers is negotiated on a case by case basis.
About the decision to test selling fashion items and House, Maria Paula explains that "these segments have great adhesion to the public and to the sales channel of Natura, which are women, and most categories make up the lifestyle of a person".
Articles of all partners are sent to Natura and stored by the company. The stocks of the products are small, since the suppliers do not produce on a large scale. "For us, it's more important to have a diversity of brands and partners", says Maria Paula. The items are not promoted in the company's print magazines.
The design lasted about eight months and is under test for seven weeks. "People understand the concept and they liked the products. They realized the alignment of values and were surprises [with the novelty], but were shocked. "
The command of Natura has stated he wants to turn it into a multi-channel company, multibrand and multicategorias. The company purchased, at the end of 2012, the Australian Luxury cosmetic retailer Aesop, whose products should be sold over the internet and through stores in Brazil. At the same time, started the test of Natura, which connects consultants and consumers over the internet. This is one of the major stakes of the company to move forward in your business model.
In this project, the consultants are advising the purchase, but Natura sends the products directly to customers and it is possible to pay by credit card. The promised delivery time is up to three working days in test cities.
The company has reported that Natura will be expanded nationally this year. The pilot sets and is expected to last at least six months. To market analysts, the business diversification projects will still take some time to bring results for the company.
Founded in 1969, Natura cosmetics sector leads, personal hygiene and Perfumery in the country, but its share fell from 13.6% to 12.4% in the last ten years, with the increasing competition in the country. The American multinational Avon also recorded loss on your slice in recent years, when passing from third to fifth position in the market. Natura has about 1.3 million retailers in Brazil, and Avon, 1.6 million.
Avon sells products of fashion and home in Brazil for 25 years. In 2013, the company's revenue in that segment grew 17%, while in beauty high was 2%. "It's not the ' core ' of the company, but has always been a profitable business and important," says Juliana Barros, Director of fashion and home of the company.
Avon's proposal is different from Natura. The portfolio is more popular and comprehensive: it has provided a $ 2.99 bra fastener at a tennis Olympikus $ 200, in addition to books. The items are bought about 50 suppliers of Brazil, from Asia, from Latin America and the USA. The company launched this year a line of handbags and jewelry with your brand. As the Avon sells these articles via magazines, the resellers are responsible for delivering them to customers and is not charged shipping.
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