segunda-feira, 07 de abril, 2014

Production backtracks to contain stocks

Volume of vehicles in courtyards is the largest since November 2008
The automotive industry has been reducing gradually the pace of national production: the volume delivered by the Assembly lines of the associated Anfavea fell 8.4% in the first quarter over the same period last year, to just over 789.8 thousand units, between light and heavy. On a monthly comparison, the total produced in March of 271.2 million vehicles, is 3.6% less than the volume manufactured in February and accounted for 17.6 percent drop compared to March 2013.
"This is a reflection of lower sales on the domestic market, in line with the fall in exports", argues the President of Anfavea, Luiz Moan, during the presentation of the performance in the industry on Friday, 4, held in São Paulo.
-Here are the data of the Anfavea
As a result of a arrítmica production, the stock of vehicles in March, which includes cars sold and not yet allocated in the courtyards of the factories and dealerships, reached 387.1 thousand units, the equivalent of 48 days of sales, the largest inventory ever recorded by the entity since November 2008, when it soared to the equivalent of 56 days of sales. In February, the stock, which was already high, reached 37 days, with 348.9 million vehicles.
"Again, this is a reflection of the performance of internal and external sales. Clearly we have to seek solutions in the coming months, "said Moan about stocks.
To contain the increase in the volume of accumulated vehicles, some automakers adopt since February production reduction measures such as layoffs, layoffs and furloughs. To Moan, this "is an individual decision of each company". He adds that the 48 days of stock represent an average, which means that some companies have more stocks than others.
Among the companies that have taken steps, PSA Peugeot Citroën, in Puerto Real (RJ) (read here), Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Scania and Volkswagen, in the ABC Paulista (read here), MAN Latin America, in Resende (RJ), and GM, in São Caetano do Sul (SP) (read here).
At least in the first quarter, the movement of inventory reduction attempts is more concentrated in the light vehicle segment, the reduction in production was 8.4% against the same period last year-to-date, to 737.8 thousand units. While the fall was 9.3% to 586.8 million automobiles, the indentation in light commercial closed the period earned in 6.9%, to 150.9 million units.
Already in the segment of heavy trucks production retreated 1.5 percent to 42.4 million units, while the Assembly of bus chassis reached 9.6 thousand units, 3.2% less than in the first quarter of 2013-annotated. According to Moan, the entity does not mapping where are concentrated the largest stocks, but ensures that the average level of trucks stocked is slightly higher than the average of cars stopped in the courtyards.
Despite the decrease of the rhythm in the factories, the level of employment remained stable in February passage for March, with a slight fall of 0.4% to 134.3 thousand active jobs. With regard to March last year, there was an increase of 0.2%.
Automotive Business - 04/04/2014
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