segunda-feira, 07 de abril, 2014

Brazil is the fastest growing consumer market

The Brazil's consumer market that most grew up in 2013. The country is among the 10 who recorded the highest number of brands, with an annual growth of 53 percent, according to a survey of Intellectual Property business unit & Science of Thomson Reuters. The study pointed to a sharp focus deviation between owners of multinationals. All eyes turned to the emerging economies.
South Korea presented a growth of 23% in the registry of marks and Turkey, of 18%. United Kingdom, Germany and Canada are no longer on the list of the ten countries with the largest number of records in the year. They were replaced by India, Mexico and Taiwan. China, in turn, leads in total volume, followed by the USA, Brazil, South Korea, Turkey and Japan. She recorded, in 2013, 860 thousand new brands.
Mundo do Marketing - 07/04/2014
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