segunda-feira, 22 de julho, 2013

Yara's profit falls 33% in the second quarter, to $ 313,2 million

The Norwegian company Yara International Fertilizer ended the second quarter with a net profit of $ 313,2 million, down 33% over the same period last year. The number was well below the average of $ 353 million, provided by a group of 15 analysts ears by FactSet consulting.
Net revenues totaled $ 3.87 billion between April and June, 7.5% compared with the same quarter of 2012, and was above market expectations of about $ 3.33 billion.
The earnings before interest and taxes totaled $ 427 million, indentation of 23% compared to the second quarter of 2012. Analysts predicted something around US $ 415,3 million.
The company's fertilizer deliveries were record in the second quarter of 2013, with a high of 21% compared to the same range of 2012. Sales of urea grew by 42%, with the best performances in Brazil, North America and in the Mediterranean region. However, fertilizer prices are low. Urea prices fell 27 percent in the same comparison the that, according to the company, "demonstrates clearly that the tightness in the market seen during the second quarter of last year will not be repeated this year."
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