terça-feira, 23 de julho, 2013

Amenities in hotels move about $ 3 billion a year in the country

More than a treat for guests found in large hotel chains, the market of amenities — xampús, conditioners, moisturizers, oils and bath salts in miniature — is also a good deal. Marcelo Vital, Director of Equipotel, specialising in the hospitality sector, makes the account: the Brazil, according to him, has 457 million daily deals on hotels per year. With the average rate of occupancy of 78%, the exact number is 355 million daily in 365 days. The average cost of buying hotels amenities kits is R$8.
"Taking into account that the cost of R $ 8 is for the basic kit, but there's more expensive lines, we can imagine that the manufacturers of amenities in the country with a total turnover of something over $ 3 billion per year. And in addition to being a good market, the segment becomes an effective marketing strategy. By the side of the hotel, adds value to the network because it becomes something that you value. And hotels, in the end, end up being a good test scenario for the cosmetics industry, "says Vital.
Brands like L Occitane ´ and Natura, as well as companies that work especially in this segment, case of Realgem ´ s, bet on the growth of the hotel industry in Brazil. All on account of more 50 thousand apartments across the country over the next few years and also in tourism drive business and leisure on behalf of major events.
Ofa P, new business manager, says that the company is nine years in the market of amenities and the goal is to use the contact of the product with the customer as a marketing tool and approach with the final consumer.
The latest partnership with a hotel chain Novotel flag was, the Accor Group, for a period of two years. In addition to this, the brand is also in network Royal Tulip Hotels. P says that the company is prepared for an increase in its production line, according to the opening of new hotels in the country. He also wants to reach other markets in South America.
"We have a production line exclusively for this segment of amenities, since they are products in different packaging. Today we are in the national market but the intention is to come up with this line in countries where Natura already has expertise, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and Chile ", says the Executive.
Mauro Carvalho, commercial Director of Realgem 's, says that the company began to manufacture and meet the hotel industry from 1989. Today, in Brazil, are present in the Accor network, Atlantica, Club Med, Bourbon, Deville Hotels, among others.
"Overseas, we have the Hotel Costa Premium Colony apartments, in the city of Colonia del Sacramento in Uruguay, and the Hotel La Capilla, in the resort of Punta Del Este in Uruguay. In Paraguay, we have the Hotel Bourbon, in addition to meeting customers in Angola ", says the Executive.
The annual production of the company is 48 million units. And with the expansion of the hotel network in Brazil, Oak claims that the company had anticipated, with the expansion of production.
"The Realgem's Amenities has done over the last three years an investment of approximately r $ 3.5 million with the expansion of the industrial park and acquisition of machinery and equipment to improve productivity, to this expansion of the hotel chain", points out.
The Director of Realgem's points out that the market was held by small players, but four years ago big brands have taken an interest and began gradually to participate.
"The trend, within in our vision, is that large national and international players will participate in this market. We did a joint venture with La Bottega Dell albergo, which is the largest European company in this segment, and we are bringing brands landing soon in the Brazilian market, "he said.
Brasil Econômico – 19/07/2013
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