quarta-feira, 08 de maio, 2013

Toyota raises profit in the fourth fiscal quarter

The increase in vehicle sales in the United States and the devaluation of the yen in the fourth quarter of 2013 fiscal year, ended March, secured an increase of 159% in net profits attributed to drivers of Toyota Motor in 12 months. The result was 313.9 billion yen, about $ 3.17 billion, and was above 263.8 billion yen expected.
Net revenues for the period rose 2.3% to 5.837 trillion yen, while the automaker's operating profit advanced 110%, reaching 502.3 billion yen. These figures were heavily influenced by the Japanese Government's efforts to combat deflation that reaches the country long ago.
The pullback of the yen, which fell 20% in comparison with the dollar since mid-November, has also contributed with the balance of the fiscal year 2013, which ended in March this year. The Japan responded only by 27% of Toyota's sales in the quarter, that is, much of the revenue come from sales in other countries. The operating result for the first time in five years exceeded 1 trillion yen, reaching 1.32 trillion yen, almost four times the 2012 fiscal year.
For analysts, the weakening of the yen probably will continue to be a driving force in finance of Toyota and other Japanese automakers. For the year 2014, the Toyota designs sell 9.1 million vehicles, a 2.6% higher than in 2013. Your net profit is estimated at 1.37 trillion yen in the 12 months (over 40%) advance and the recipe, at 23.5 trillion yen (growth of 6.5%).
"When our company faced prejudice with the Lehman Brothers crisis [in 2008], we learned an important lesson. A sharp drop [the result], even if they come after a rapid expansion, affects all shareholders and important people to the company due to the proportion of the productive chain in the automotive industry. Sustainable growth is the most important, "spoke Akio Toyoda, the automaker's President.
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