terça-feira, 07 de maio, 2013

Profit of 15.3% back Live Phone Q1

SÃO PAULO-Telefónica/Live recorded a net profit of r $ 810,2 million in the first quarter of this year, representing a fall of 15.3% compared to the result of the same period in 2012. The cash generation, as measured by Ebitda, declined 3.5% in the period, totaling R $ 2,747 billion. The Ebitda margin reached 32.1%, showing a drop of 2.1 percentage points.
The telephone operator's net revenue totaled r $ 8.673 billion in the first quarter, a high of 2.9% on the same period last year.
The net financial result was negative at r $ 16.7 million, compared to losses of R $ 63.2 million from the same period last year.
Telefónica/Live recorded net income below the average of estimates designed by BES, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse and ITA, consulted by the Broadcast. Revenue and Ebitda were in line.
The company reported a net income of r $ 810,2 million in the first quarter of this year, a 13.7% lower performance designed by financial institutions, which was r $ 939 million.
Ebitda ended the period at r $ 2,747 billion, 4.7% below performance estimated by the average of the houses, which was r $ 2,884 billion. The Ebitda margin was 32.1%, 1.8 percentage point below the designed.
The net revenue totaled r $ 8.673 billion, 0.74% result above the estimates, which were of R $ 8,492 billion.
The Broadcast is of the opinion that the result came in line with analysts ' estimates when the change up or down is up 5%.
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