quarta-feira, 14 de agosto, 2019

Retail Invoice 6% more on Father's Day, says Cielo

The Brazilian retail sector recorded a 6% growth in revenues in the week of parents ' day, compared to the same period last year. The data is part of the Cielo index of expanded retail (ICVA), carried out by the payment company Cielo. The sector of supermarkets and hypermarkets stood out in the period, with a high of 11.8%, while the segment of products considered presentable advanced 2.1%. According to the research, the items of specialized food retail, such as chocolates, sweets and beverages, have billed 4.6% more this year. In comparison with common weeks, retail grew 9.9% in the commemorative period.
Giro News - 13/08/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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