sexta-feira, 09 de agosto, 2019

Retail grows 0.1% in June, says IBGE

The sales volume of the Brazilian retail trade had a slight high of 0.1% in June this year. The positive variation of June came after the stability of May and the fall of 0.4% in April, according to the data of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In the accumulated year, the growth of the sector is 0.6%. In the accumulated 12 months, the high is 1.1%. In the period, three of the eight sectors surveyed were high: fabrics, clothing and footwear (1.5%), pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedic, perfumery and cosmetics (0.3%) and other articles of personal and household use (0.1%). The activity of hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco remained stable.
Giro News - 08/08/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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