sexta-feira, 09 de agosto, 2019

BRF returns to profit after 3 quarters followed by losses

BRF, the world's largest chicken exporter, returned to profit in the second quarter after 3 quarters followed by losses, according to a balance sheet released on Friday (9). The company recorded a net profit of R $191 million in the operations continued between April and June, before the loss of R $1.435 billion in the same period last year and after losses of R $113 million in the first quarter. The corporate profit reached R $325 million in the 2nd quarter, with losses of R $1.466 billion and R $1.012 billion in previous quarters. The company attributed the result to "operational improvement in all segments, lower net financial expenses and non-recurring impacts related to ICMS". Net revenues totaled R $8.34 billion in the 2nd quarter, up 18% in the annual comparison.
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