terça-feira, 06 de agosto, 2019

August starts with corn sack costing up to R $34.50 in RO

The 60 kilos corn sack is being sold for up to R $34.50 in the properties of Rondônia. The data are from a survey published over the weekend by the municipal authority of technical assistance and Rural extension of the state of Rondônia (Emater-RO). According to Emater, the price of the survey refers to the amount paid directly to the rural producer, between 29 July and 2 August. In this ranking, only São Miguel do Guaporé is with the best market value. In the municipality, the sack of 60 Kg of maize costs R $34.50. West Colorado, in the southern Cone, has lower grain sack Price: R $24.00. In the same quotation the soybean price was lifted. According to Emater, Machadinho d'oeste, in the Jamari Valley, has the best price of the sack of 60 kg. For each unit, the producer of Machadinho receives R $65.00.
G1 - 05/08/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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